Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Kanemi working on Joe's juniper.
Near completion.

Henry getting started on his tree.
He looks pleased with the results.

Ann helps Kris with his bonsai. I think it is an olive.

Ann discuses this tropical plant with visitors to our club.

Ron helps Ed with one of his junipers.

John working on a Japanese black pine

Jeff works on one of his magnificent Kingsford boxwoods.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Brandon has just started to prune his Olive tree. It has a nice broad base.

Gary has brought in a San Jose juniper to work on.

Henry is working on this Japanese Yew. 

Jeff brought in a young juniper.

Hey! Joe I just bought the same gloves with rubber palm and finger tips. They work great when working with prickly junipers and pines. 

Keith is defoliating his Trident maple.

This is Keith's Bristle Cone Pine. They are recognizable by small white spots on their needles. 

Long seems to have a lot of unusual trees. Sorry, I did not write this one down.
He also has quite a variety of pots.

Pat brought in this cascade style blue spruce.